Tall Buildings
We had a client who had an 87 storey building in London and needed multi language satellites for a hotel and high-end apartments. They had previously had a few satellite companies install dishes at a high level on the building but these didn’t work as the building could move or sway up to 650mm (10mm is the difference between a satellite dish being on direction or not).
We surveyed the existing system and advised the client it would never work reliably and recommended the five 1m dishes were put at ground level. We didn’t hear from the client for 18 months but heard that various companies had been in trying to resolve the issues without result.
Ten days before the hotel opened we were asked to have another look. Again we suggested installing the dishes at a low level but were told there were severe planning restrictions. The client agreed to give us the chance to find a suitable location to hide the dishes and in a few hours we did. As there was no existing provision for power or fibre optic in that location the move would require a lot of effort but the building team were amazing providing both feeds back to the server room (a 400m path) in a matter of days.
We installed our dishes and swapped the current fibre infrastructure over to the new dishes and the hotel satellite system is now up and running.
We get a kick out of making things work where others say it’s impossible.
Why not give us a try?